“As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby…” says the apostle Peter in 1 Peter 2:2. The key to spiritual growth is spending time with God’s holy Word. If Christians do as they should, they will grow past being a “babe” in Christ, and grow to spiritual maturity. That won’t happen without effort though.
This plan has been developed to provide individuals and families with a reading schedule, along with brief material and questions that supplement the week’s reading. Check back weekly as new schedules and material are posted!
Week 1: “In the beginning…”(Genesis 1-11)
Week 2: “A Friend of God” (Genesis 2-26)
Week 3: “Father of a Nation” (Genesis 27-36)
Week 4: Son, Slave, Savior (Genesis 37-50)
Week 5: The Messiah has Come! Part 1 (Matthew 1-14)
Week 6: The Messiah has Come! Part 2 (Matthew 15-28)
Week 7: The Suffering of a Blameless Man (Job 1-14)
Week 8: Miserable Comforters (Job 15-24)
Week 9: From Where Does Wisdom Come? (Job 25-34)
Week 10: The Blessed Latter Days (Job 35-42)
Week 11: The Just Shall Live by Faith (Romans 1-8)
Week 12: Renewed & Transformed (Romans 9-16)
Week 13: First Quarter Review
Week 14: The Great, I AM (Exodus 1-13)
Week 15: Israel Arrives at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 14-28)
Week 16: Idolatry, Renewal, & Building the Tabernacle (Exodus 29-40)
Week 17: Woe to the Wicked (Isaiah 1-14)
Week 18: Oracles to the Nations (Isaiah 15-27)
Week 19: Blessed Are Those Who Wait For Him (Isaiah 28-39)
Week 20: “Besides Me There is No God” (Isaiah 40-53)
Week 21: Glorious Restoration: Judgment and Salvation (Isaiah 54-66)
Week 22: A Church in Need of Help (1 Corinthians 1-8)
Week 23: A More Excellent Way (1 Corinthians 9-16)
Week 24: Sacrifice and Worship (Leviticus 1-13)
Week 25: You Shall be Holy…(Leviticus 14-28)
Week 26: Second Quarter Review
Week 27: Jesus – Son and Servant (Mark 1-8)
Week 28: Jesus – Son and Servant Part 2 (Mark 9-16)
Week 29: Leaving the Mountain (Numbers 1-12)
Week 30: Wandering in the Wilderness (Numbers 13-24)
Week 31: Moving Towards the Promised Land (Numbers 25-36)
Week 32: The Psalms – Book 1 (Psalms 1-41)
Week 33:The Psalms – Book 2 (Psalms 42-72)
Week 34:The Psalms – books 3 & 4 (Psalms 73-106)
Week 35: Lessons from the Past (Deuteronomy 1-11)
Week 36: The Law Given Anew (Deuteronomy 12-22)
Week 37: Life and Death (Deuteronomy 23-34)
Week 38: A Tragic, One Sided Love Story (Hosea 1-14)
Week 39: Third Quarter Review
Week 40: An Apostle’s Defense (2 Corinthians 1-13)
Week 41: The Long Awaited Conquest (Joshua 1-12)
Week 42: Inheriting the Promised Land (Joshua 13-24)
Week 43: A Dark Age of Heroes (Judges 1-16)
Week 44: Hope Shines Through (Judges 17-21 and Ruth 1-4)
Week 45: A Heart Broken Prophet to a Hard-Hearted People (Jeremiah 1-12)
Week 46: Jeremiah vs. the Lying Prophets (Jeremiah 13-24)
Week 47: Captivity and Covenant (Jeremiah 25-36)
Week 48: The Tragic Conclusion of Rebellion (Jeremiah 37-48)
Week 49: A Funeral for a City (Jeremiah 49-52 and Lamentations 1-5)
Week 50: Psalms: Book 5 (Psalms 107-119)
Week 51: Psalms: Book 5 Continued (Psalms 120-150)
Week 52: 4th Quarter Review
Week 53: An Orderly Account of the Most Important Story (Luke 1-8)
Week 54: Heading to Jerusalem (Luke 9-16)
Week 55: Silencing Jesus (Luke 17-24)
Week 56: The Church Begins (Acts 1-9)
Week 57: The Gospel Spreads (Acts 10-18)
Week 58: Preaching Christ Boldly (Acts 19-28)
Week 59: Give Us a King! (1 Samuel 1-10)
Week 60: Kings, Shepherds, and Giant Slayers (1 Samuel 11-21)
Week 61: A Hero on the Run (1 Samuel 22-31)
Week 62: The Reign of King David: Part 1 (2 Samuel 1-12)
Week 63: The Reign of King David Part 2 (2 Samuel 13-24)
Week 64: The True Gospel & The True Church (Galatians and Ephesians)
Week 65: 5th Quarter Review
Week 66: The Reign of Solomon (1 Kings 1-11)
Week 67: The Kingdom Divides (1 Kings 12-22)
Week 68: The Divided Kingdom Continues (2 Kings 1-12)
Week 69: From Kingdom to Captivity (2 Kings 13-25)
Week 70: A Storm is Coming! (Ezekiel 1-12)
Week 71: “I Am the LORD Their God” ( Ezekiel 13-24)
Week 72: Judgment Has Come (Ezekiel 25-36)
Week 73: The Lord is There (Ezekiel 37-48)
Week 74: The Way of Wisdom (Proverbs 1-10)
Week 75: Wisdom for Life & Godliness (Proverbs 11-20)
Week 76: Words of the Wise (Proverbs 21-31)
Week 77: Small Letters with Big Messages (Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians)
Week 78: 6th Quarter Review
Week 79: Chronicles of God’s People: From Adam to David (1 Chronicles 1-14)
Week 80: Chronicles of God’s People: King David (1 Chronicles 15-29)
Week 81: Chronicles of God’s People: Solomon and the Temple (2 Chronicles 1-12)
Week 82: Chronicles of God’s People: Abijah through Joash (2 Chronicles 13-24)
Week 83: Chronicles of God’s People: Amaziah to Captivity (2 Chronicles 25-36)
Week 84: The Son of God: Light and Life (John 1-11)
Week 85: The Son of God Glorified (John 12-21)
Week 86: Finding Purpose in a World of Vanity (Ecclesiastes 1-12)
Week 87: The Day of the Lord (Joel and Amos)
Week 88: Evil Neighbors, Great Fish, and Promises of a Savior (Obadiah Jonah and Micah)
Week 89: Letters to the Dispersed (James and First and Second Peter)
Week 90: Contending for the Faith (1-3 John and Jude)
Week 91: 7th Quarter Review
Week 92: Returning, Rebuilding, and Restoring (Ezra)
Week 93: Rebuilding Walls and Restoring Faith (Nehemiah)
Week 94: Orphan, Exile, Queen, Deliverer (Esther)
Week 95: Personal Letters from Paul (First & Second Timothy, Titus, Philemon)
Week 96: Eleventh Hour Prophets (Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah)
Week 97: The Greatest Song (Song of Solomon)
Week 98: Don’t Turn Back! (Hebrews)
Week 99: Who’s in Charge? (Daniel)
Week 100: Post-Exilic Prophets Part 1 (Haggai and Zechariah 1-10)
Week 101: Post-Exilic Prophets Part 2 (Zechariah 9-14 and Malachi)
Week 102: A Letter from the Lord (Revelation 1-11)
Week 103: The End and the Beginning (Revelation 12-22)
Week 104: 8th Quarter Review