Disciplined Disciples: A Series on Spiritual Disciplines

“Follow Me.”  That was and is Jesus’ primary invitation to discipleship.  But how can Christians truly follow Jesus?  Is it enough to only act like Him in certain situations, or is it possible to follow Jesus in His overall manner of living?  In this brief series, Nate Bibens teaches on the need for activities often called “The Spiritual Disciplines” – things Christians can do and practice (as Jesus did and practiced) as they seek to follow Jesus in the pursuit of godliness and holiness!

Disciplined Disciples: The Biblical Call for Spiritual Disciplines (Sermon 1)
Alone with God: Spiritual Disciplines for Personal Growth Part 1 (Sermon 2)
Alone with God: Spiritual Disciplines for Personal Growth Part 2 (Sermon 3) 
Not by Bread Alone: The Spiritual Discipline of Fasting (Sermon 4)
Disciplined Sacrifice: The Disciplines of Stewardship & Service (Sermon 5)