You Will Bring This Man’s Blood On Us!

It didn’t take long for the apostles to get in trouble for preaching the gospel. The Jewish leaders arrested them and demanded they stop preaching Jesus. The apostles, of course, did not comply. When they were arrested again, the high priest said, “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.”[1] What an interesting concern.

Not long before, they gladly accepted the guilt of Jesus’ blood. When Pilate claimed innocence, the crowds shouted out, “His blood be on us and on our children!”[2] At the time, they were happy to bear that cost. Later, when they feared they really might, they weren’t so sure. That’s how sin often works. In the moment, we feel sin is worth the cost, only to realize the price is higher than we were really willing to pay. But willing or not, if we rebel against the Lord, we will pay the price.

[1] Acts 5:28

[2] Matthew 27:25