The Thief on the Cross

“Today you will be with Me in Paradise.”  Those were the words Jesus spoke to a thief hanging on a cross next to Him.  Even in His final hours, Jesus was saving sinners!  The story of the thief on the cross is beautiful and important, but many twist the story to mean something it was never intended to teach.  In this lesson, Nate Bibens discusses the lessons to be learned from “The Thief on the Cross!”

The Authority of Jesus (Episode 4)

There is a great deal of religious confusion, even among those who claim to be Christians. Why is this? Part of the problem is a misunderstanding of authority. If we wish to be true Christians and enjoy true unity, we must share a common source of authority. But where can we find such authority? In this lesson evangelist Ed Daniel shows from the Scripture that authority does exist, and it is found in Jesus!

Does God Speak Today? (Episode 003)

Does God speak today?  If so, how does He speak?  Can we trust those who claim to be recipients of divine dreams and visions?  Should we trust our feelings and emotions as God-guided?  In this lesson, evangelist Nate Bibens reviews how God has historically communicated His Word, and what the Bible teaches Christians should expect today!