Last year Nate Bibens taught a short series that provided an overview of the Bible. Here is the final sermon from the series, which covers the New Testament epistles!
Audio Only: The Story of the New Testament: The Epistles
Springer Road Church of Christ
Lawrenceburg, TN
Last year Nate Bibens taught a short series that provided an overview of the Bible. Here is the final sermon from the series, which covers the New Testament epistles!
Audio Only: The Story of the New Testament: The Epistles
John 13 records an astounding story from the life of Jesus. During the final supper with His disciples, Jesus settled a dispute in a shocking way. While the disciples argued about who was greatest, Jesus took a towel and water basin and washed their feet. He wanted them (and us) to learn from and follow His example!
Audio Only: As I Have Done to You
In part one, Nate Bibens looked at the general structure and key themes of Ephesians 1:1-14. In this lesson, he takes a closer look at the verses themselves. This lesson includes brief discussions on the topic of predestination and what Paul means when he says we are “sealed by the Holy Spirit.”
Audio Only: Blessed be God! Part 2 (Eph. 1:1-14)
Paul begins his Ephesian letter with a lengthy benediction of praise. In this lesson, Nate Bibens provides an overview of the structure and key themes that permeate this powerful passage!
Audio Only: Blessed be God! Ephesians 1:1-14 Part 1
Ephesians is a succinct yet profound New Testament letter. In this lesson, Nate Bibens provides an overview of the Ephesian letter, including a history of the church in Ephesus, as well as a brief overview of the themes and purpose of the book.
Audio Only: Introduction to Ephesians
The Tuesday before Jesus’ crucifixion was a busy day. The Jewish leaders sought to entrap Jesus with His words, so they peppered Him with their most challenging questions. One by one Jesus answered their questions as a master teacher, until none dared to challenge Him further. This sermon from the Life of Christ series focuses on those questions and answers to explore what Christians can learn from them today!
Audio Only: A Day of Questions
The first day of the week is a special day for Christians. Or is it? How do we view the Lord’s Day, and do we honor it as we should? This lesson provides an overview of the Old Testament Sabbath, the New Testament Lord’s Day, and some food for thought concerning how Christians can honor the Lord’s Day!
Audio Only: The Lord’s Day
In this lesson from his Bible overview series, Nate Bibens provides a general overview of the New Testament with a special focus on the Gospels and Acts!
Audio Only: The Story of the New Testament: The Gospels and Acts
The Psalms are well known as songs of praise. But they also prove to be an excellent source of wisdom and teaching. This lesson provides an overview of the attributes of these Psalms!
Audio Only: Teaching & Wisdom Psalms
Mary of Bethany was humble yet devoted. She teaches great lessons in the few instances she appears in the gospels. That is certainly true of the climactic act of service when she anointed Jesus with costly oil! We hope you enjoy this lesson from the Life of Christ series where we look at the wonderful act Jesus Himself termed “a beautiful thing!”
Audio Only: A Beautiful Thing: The Anointing of Jesus at Bethany