
Of all the books of the Bible, Leviticus might be the most avoided. It seems strange, difficult to understand, and frankly, most modern readers find it boring. But the third book of the Bible possesses some valuable and foundational lessons, even for the New Testament Christian. This lesson provides an overview of Leviticus, highlighting its outline, key themes, and some of the ways Leviticus actually points to the person and work of Jesus!



The Resurrection: Part 3 (Life of Christ Sermon 48)

The purpose of Jesus’ crucifixion was to offer redemption and reconciliation to mankind. His resurrection confirmed the power of this sacrificial act. The truth and power of this are shown in two of the Lord’s resurrection appearances recorded in John: the appearance to the disciples with Thomas and the appearance by the Sea of Galilee.



The Resurrection: Part 2 (Life of Christ Sermon 47)

The Sunday after Jesus was crucified was a strange and marvelous day. The disciples were still cowering in fear, but some women had reported Jesus’ tomb was empty, and angels told them He was alive. Peter and John had verified that the tomb was indeed empty. As the day drew on, Jesus confirmed His resurrection with various appearances. This lesson considers Jesus’ appearances to some of the women, two disciples traveling to Emmaus, and finally to the ten disciples gathered in an upper room!

Sober-Minded, Self-Controlled, and Disciplined

What type of man can lead the church as an elder?  So far in our series, we’ve considered the qualifications about a man’s morality and family-life.  This lesson will consider three similar yet distinct qualities the Holy Spirit providers concerning a man’s demeanor and attitude. In this lesson, we’ll see what it means for an elder to be sober-minded, self-controlled, and a man of discipline!




Understand This

Some passages in the Bible may be difficult to understand, but some passages are straightforward and easy to understand.  James 1:19-21 is one such passage.  In fact, James explicitly states he expects his readers to understand the commands he shares.  This sermon covers these brief verses and their important commands such as:

    • Be quick to listen
    • Be slow to speak
    • Be slow to anger
    • Rid yourself of moral filth
    • Humbly receive the implanted Word

Audio Only: Understand This

Is God Close?

All Christians will face times when they feel alone. In some cases this can lead to despair, and in others it can lead to sin. In this lesson, David Brown draws on the example of Joseph and many other Bible passages to remind Christians we are never alone, for God is always close to us!

Audio Only: Is God Close?