
Following the successful era of Joshua and the conquest of the Promised Land, Israel’s history took a dark turn. The book of Judges includes some amazing and intriguing stories, but it also reveals the sad spiritual state of Israel during this time. In this lesson Nate Bibens provides a simple overview of this Old Testament book.

When the Lord’s House Lies in Ruins

Priorities are important. Too often, we focus on worldly things that seem so demanding and important, but neglect the things that truly matter. When we focus on selfish, earthly things, we anger God. And further, such focus is fruitless and hopeless. The only true fulfillment we can find is when we serve the Lord whole-heartedly. Haggai 1:9 says, “You looked for much, and behold, it came to little. And when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why? declares the Lord of hosts. Because of my house that lies in ruins, while each of you busies himself with his own house.”

The Jews were rebuked because they focused on building their homes instead of the temple. But are we any different? We do the same when we focus on our career and leave the Lord’s work undone, or whenever we put our desires before the Lord’s will. Don’t let the Lord’s House lie in ruins because you are focused on your own concerns.

James: A Son of Thunder

While James the Apostle didn’t write any of the New Testament, and though he’s only mentioned a handful of times in the New Testament, he still provides some valuable lessons. This man was present for some momentous events, and various lessons for all Christians can be gleaned from this Son of Thunder!

What is a Christian?

Across the world, billions of people call themselves “Christian.” But what does it mean to be a Christian? If you were asked what it means that you are a Christian, how would you answer? This lesson seeks to provide a general overview of who a Christian is and what it means to be Christian.


After the books of Moses (Genesis through Deuteronomy), the next section of the Old Testament is the books of history. Picking up where Deuteronomy ends, the book of Joshua records Israel’s conquest of Canaan under the leadership of Joshua. This book doesn’t just recount historical happenings – it demonstrates key themes that lead God’s people to success!


Deuteronomy is the fifth book in the Old Testament and the conclusion of the section known as the “Pentateuch” or “Torah.” This retelling of the Law is a powerful book that, although originally given to Israel, has many important lessons for Christians today!


Sheep Without a Shepherd

Throughout the Bible, shepherds are used as a primary metaphor for leadership. But what happens when sheep have no shepherd? There are several instances in the Bible when this exact metaphor is used. When we look at how the Bible uses this imagery, we should lose all complacency concerning congregations that lack biblical leadership!




The fourth book of the Bible, Numbers, records the tragic events following Israel’s departure from Mt. Sinai. What should have been a short journey to begin the conquest of Canaan resulted in four decades of wandering the wilderness, all because of rebellion. Despite the many failures, God’s will prevails, and His plans are not thwarted. This lesson is the fourth in a series of Bible book overviews and reviews the highlights and importance of this Old Testament book!

