The Names of God (Part 2)

What is God’s name? As one read’s the Scriptures, they will encounter many titles, descriptions, and names ascribed to the Creator. In this lesson (part 2 of a series) Nate Bibens considers two prevalent and important names found in the Old Testament: Adonai and YHWH!

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The Names of God (Part 1)

What is God’s name? It turns out there are many names, titles, and descriptions ascribed to God in the Bible! In this lesson, Nate Bibens introduces a new multi-part study on the names of God in the Bible. In this lesson, he introduces the topic and considers two primary names in the Old Testament: Elohim and El.


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Putting Off and Putting On

Many people view the Bible as a long list of “thou shalt nots.” Of course, some behaviors and attitudes are sinful, and the Bible does call us to cease sinful living. But the Bible also calls us to replace sinful behavior with holy behavior. Metaphorically, the Bible calls us to shed evil living like a filthy garment and instead put on a clean, pristine garment. This is the exact analogy the Apostle Paul uses in Ephesians 4 and other places. In this lesson, elder James Smith reviews various passages in the New Testament that call Christians to “put off” and “put on” various behaviors and attitudes!


A Chosen Race: The Christian and Racism

Racism has been a hotly-discussed and high-profile issue over the past several years. Media outlets, politicians, social-media sites, and more are abuzz with discussions about racism. Yet, with all the talking heads, Christians might wonder what to make of everything they hear. Why does racism still exist? How should we think about current cultural discussions? What can we do to confront racism? There are myriads of answers to those questions, but in this lesson, elder David Brown considers how to address those questions from a biblical perspective.


The Dangers of Self-Reliance

Times of peace and prosperity can be dangerous times because they often lull us into relying on ourselves, not God. In this excellent lesson, Matthew Brown considers an Old Testament example of a righteous king who fell prey to the dangers of self-reliance. Using that story, Matthew illustrates the very real dangers Christians face today when ease, prosperity, or anything else leads them down a road of relying on themselves instead of God.



As we go through life, we encounter hardships and trials that can seem overwhelming. Things can get so bad that all hope seems lost. In response to this situation the Bible offers two words…”but God.” In this encouraging lesson, elder James Smith considers several instances where this short but powerful phrase is found in Scripture!