The Danger of Lies

All lies are evil, whether we think they are small or big. While all lies are wrong, they may pose a varying level of danger. Some lies are easy to spot. If I told you the sky is green, you would recognize the falsehood at once. Sometimes, we hear lies about spiritual matters that are just as easy to detect. But other lies are much more dangerous because they are not so easy to spot.

Sometimes, lies don’t sound like lies. When lies sound like truth, they become incredibly dangerous. That is why it is so crucial for Christians to study God’s Word faithfully. That’s why we must compare what others say with what God says. First John 4:1 says, “…do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Never, never accept any other person’s teaching, mine included, without comparing and testing it first against the Word of God.

Day After Day

One of the greatest compliments ever given was when God described David as a man after his own heart[1]. Now, David was not a perfect man, but obviously, he was a very godly man. Thus, it is worthwhile to note the various attributes David possessed. We find one crucial characteristic in Psalm 61:8, where David says, “So will I ever sing praises to your name, as I perform my vows day after day.”

For David, obeying God wasn’t something to do when he visited the Tabernacle only. David wasn’t content to act holy while worshipping but live worldly at other times. David’s religion wasn’t a one-day-a-week affair. No, for David, obedience and godliness were a daily lifestyle. He sought to perform his vows to God day after day after day. Many people treat Christianity as something that happens on Sunday or whenever they attend church services. Such isn’t true faith. Godliness is something we should do day after day, just like David.

[1] 1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22

I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever

We’ve spent the last two weeks of our program in Psalm 23. I hope our time lingering in this Psalm has blessed you and helped you know more of the Shepherd. Let’s wrap up our series from this Psalm today by looking at the last line. David says, “I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Many commentators note that verse five shifts from sheep/shepherd imagery to a guest/host metaphor. I believe verse six contains another subtle shift. David claims He will dwell in God’s house forever.

Who gets to dwell in another person’s house forever? Not just a guest. Even the most gracious hosts don’t allow guests to stay forever. So, what kind of guest has David become? A son. When we follow Christ, we are incredibly transformed into God’s beloved children—and one day, we will be welcomed to dine at His table and live in His home, not just for a while, but forevermore.

Followed By Goodness and Mercy

Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Here, we learn yet more incredible truths about the Lord. Throughout Psalm 23, the Lord is leading. But here, He is also following, or more accurately, pursuing. While what follows is said to be “goodness” and “mercy,” those traits describe God and come from Him. It’s as though the Lord is both leading and following us. In other words, He surrounds us. What a picture of total protection!

And because the Lord hems us in, then the lives of His people can be described as goodness and mercy. Amid dark valleys, it may not always feel this way. But from a later vantage point, and one day from heaven’s view, His people will be able to look back at how the Lord pursued us and will be able to say, “Surely goodness and mercy followed me all the days of my life!”

The Lavish Host

Yesterday, we discussed Psalm 23:5 and the incredible picture of the Lord transforming sheep into guests that He hosts at His table. And what a host He is! David says to the Lord, “You prepare a table before me…” The word “prepare” refers to careful and precise ordering. The Lord is an immaculate host who lovingly and caringly provides for His people. David says, “You anoint my head with oil.” This was an ancient custom of hospitality—a way of refreshing and perfuming a guest after their long journey so they would be ready and prepared for the banquet. And David proclaims, “My cup overflows.” The Lord is a generous host Who provides abundantly. Never is there a worry of food running out or the cup going dry.

These images describe for us the Lord’s care and provision. He is a generous and loving Lord who provides for His people. And He is not meager or stingy in His giving, but lavish. How well do we thank the Lord for His lavish care?

From Sheep to Guest

The first four verses of Psalm 23 metaphorically describe the Lord’s care in beautiful sheep/shepherd imagery. Then, verse 5 builds on that imagery but in a surprising direction. Any good shepherd will provide for their sheep, feed them, lead them, and protect them. But once the sheep are brought home, they will be put in the pen while the Shepherd goes inside. That, however, is not what David’s shepherd, the Lord, does.

Psalm 23:5 says, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” How amazing! The Lord is a shepherd like none other because He doesn’t just care for His sheep—He transforms them. Through His care, the sheep become something more. They become welcome guests in the Master’s house and at the Master’s table. How incredible it is to know that we are aptly pictured as sheep, but if we follow Jesus, we will be transformed into welcome guests in His Father’s house!

Protection, Correction, and Comfort

Last week, we spent some time in Psalm 23. This week, I’d like to pick up where we left off. Our last couple of programs focused on verse 4: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Untold numbers of people have turned to Psalm 23 seeking comfort, and what a comforting Psalm it is! But why can we find comfort in this Psalm?

We’ve already noted the Lord’s presence is a key to our safety. But David also discusses the Shepherd’s tools. First, there is the rod. This was an instrument that shepherds primarily used as a weapon. These clubs were used to fight off predators and thieves. In other words, the Shepherd is a warrior ready to protect! But he also uses the staff to guide and correct His sheep. If we truly want the Lord’s comfort, we must trust His protection and follow His instruction and correction.

For You Are With Me

Yesterday, we looked at the first part of Psalm 23:4, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” This verse deserves a little extra of our time.

The reason for David’s lack of fear is simple yet powerful. He says to the Lord, “For you are with me.” It’s worth noting in this verse, David stops speaking about the Lord and begins speaking to the Lord. But also, what a blessing it is to be able to say that the Lord is with us. In fact, this goal is the story of the Bible. In Eden, God walked with Man. In the Tabernacle and Temple, God’s presence filled the Most Holy Place. Jesus is called Immanuel, which means “God with us.” And Revelation 21 depicts a scene in the New Creation when God will be with His people. Remember today—the greatest thing you can achieve is to be with the Lord.

I Will Fear No Evil

This week, we’ve been working through Psalm 23. Today, we come to verse 4: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

If Psalm 23 were new to us, this verse might be surprising. After reading about being led along right paths, we find that such paths sometimes lead to valleys and ravines that are dark, frightening, and dangerous. Life isn’t always green pastures and still waters.

Now, for a sheep, a dark valley is a very dangerous place. There are many calamities that can befall. And yet, David says, “I will fear no evil.” How can David be so confident? Is he courageous? Is it because he is a mighty warrior? No. His reason for hope is simple. The Lord is his companion. Our abilities will never lead us through the darkest valleys. The best comfort we can ever find is the presence of the Lord.

He Leads Me

Over the last two days, we’ve discussed Psalm 23:1. That verse ends with the amazing claim by David, “I shall not want,” or “I lack nothing.” How could David, or anyone, make such an audacious claim? The next couple of verses explain. David says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”

These verses poetically describe the Lord’s provision. He provides for His people like a shepherd who leads his flock to safe green pastures. The Lord grants rest to His people—a rest that is so needed and a rest that leads to restoration. And the Good Shepherd leads us along right paths. When we follow Jesus, we can trust the way we’re going is the right way. And the Lord leads “For His name’s sake.” God attaches His very own honor to His ability to care for and lead His sheep. How wonderful it is to follow the Good Shepherd!