
Prayer is both a powerful gift and an awesome responsibility.  We hope you’ll listen to this encouraging and thought-provoking sermon by evangelist Glen Osburn on the subject of prayer!


Jeroboam’s Religion: A Religion Devised in His Heart

Jeroboam’s Religion: A Religion Devised in His Heart

This week we’ve discussed King Jeroboam’s self-made religion. It was a religion of self-reliance, convenience, and altered rules. Jeroboam departed from God’s pattern because he didn’t trust in God. Sadly, he followed his heart instead of giving his heart to God. First Kings 12:33 says that Jeroboam made offerings in the month which had devised in his own heart. That’s a condemning truth about much of religion today. Continue reading “Jeroboam’s Religion: A Religion Devised in His Heart”

Christian Comparisons: An Athlete

Christian Comparisons: An Athlete

Yesterday, we discussed the first of five metaphors Paul uses to describe the Christian life in 2 Timothy 2. Today, let’s consider the next picture. Paul says in verse five, “An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.” Like a soldier, a professional athlete is an occupation that requires a great deal of dedication and training. What Paul especially focuses on here, however, is the nature of competition and victory athletes face—if they wish to succeed, they must follow the rules. Continue reading “Christian Comparisons: An Athlete”

More than Words

More than Words

Valentine’s day is weeks old now, and the card companies and candy manufacturers have long since moved on to the next holiday. While the holiday of love is all but forgotten for another year, love is not, and should not, be forgotten. While it may be fun to use certain times of the year like valentines day or anniversaries to especially celebrate love, real love should be practiced every day. And notice I said “practiced.” Love is much more that a card or simply saying, “I love you.” It is appropriate to verbalize our love, but real love is shown through action. Continue reading “More than Words”


Love is in the air, or at least it may seem that way as Valentine’s Day approaches.  But what is love?  Is it gifts and romance?  Emotion and feelings?  The world has many definitions of love, but what truly matters is what God says on the topic.  In this excellent expository lesson, James Smith takes us through the definitive passage on love – First Corinthians 13.


Disciplined Disciples (Sermon 1): The Biblical Call for Spiritual Disciplines

Jesus calls His disciples to “Follow Me!”  How can Christians today follow Jesus?  How can we “pursue godliness?”  The answer is in the question – we must follow Jesus completely.  In this lesson (the first of a new series), Nate Bibens discusses the Biblical call for activities often called the Spiritual Disciplines – activities that are present in the life and lessons of Jesus and other Bible heroes.  If we will live a life of spiritual discipline, we can answer Jesus’ call and truly follow Him!

Audio Only: Disciplined Disciples: A Biblical Call for the Spiritual Disciplines