The Family

Many organizations and institutions have been attacked by modern progressivism. But perhaps none has been attacked more than the family. For far longer than just recent years, culture has waged war on the traditional family unit. Today, there are even those that openly call for the deconstruction of the “nuclear family.” In this lesson, Jonathan Owens considers some of the current trends in America concerning families and compares that with the Biblical pattern, encouraging Christians to commit to God’s way, not culture’s

Truth & Situation Ethics

Pilate once famously asked, “what is truth?” Today, many people ask the same question. Many people deny absolute truth, and instead view truth as a relative concept. One outcome of this view is what is frequently called “situation ethics” – the idea that instead of absolute moral truth, morality and truth can and often are defined by one’s circumstances. In this lesson from the Moral Issues series at Springer Road, David Brown considers one of the oft-cited proof texts of situation ethics advocates–Mathew 12 and the incident of Jesus’ disciples picking grain on the Sabbath. David considers the concept of situation ethics, the Biblical story, and whether or not the passage condones situation ethics or not!

Fornication & Immorality

One of the key moral issues humanity has always faced is sexual immorality. Throughout the Old Testament and the New, God’s people have been called to a standard of purity and morality. In this lesson, James Smith introduces this new teaching series, and tackles the subject of immorality. He provides a Biblical understanding of the topic, clear warnings of the danger, and helpful, biblical guidance Christians can follow to avoid this all-too-common problem.

Characters in the Life of Jesus: Peter

One of the most well-known characters of the New Testament is the Apostle Peter. This great man had a life of ups and downs, like every human. From his example, Christians can learn from his mistakes and learn a great deal from his strengths. The first lesson in a new series, this sermon by Jonathan Owens, reviews the life of Peter and some of the great lessons we can learn from it!

Unity In Christ (Ephesians 2:11-22)

Salvation is the awesome and gracious gift of God!  Paul makes this clear in the first half of Ephesians chapter two.  In the final half of the chapter, he expands on the outcome and blessed results of salvation.  One such benefit unity.  In Christ, people from all backgrounds can become one!  In this lesson, brother David Brown covers these encouraging verses from Ephesians 2!

Unity in Christ (Eph. 2:11-11)

A Prayer of Thanksgiving (Ephesians 1:15-23)

The first chapter of Ephesians is an incredible chapter!  After an initial section of praise towards God, Paul turns his attention to the Ephesians.  In an encouraging passage, Paul records his thankfulness for the Ephesian Christians, and tells about his prayers for and because of them! In this lesson, brother Daniel Owens covers Ephesians 1:15-23 and Paul’s thanksgiving prayer for the Ephesians!

A Prayer of Thanksgiving (Eph. 1:15-23)

Psalm 131

C.H. Spurgeon once said, “Psalm 131 is one of the shortest to read, and longest to learn.”  While only three verses long, the 131st Psalm is short, but it carries a weighty message.  We hope you enjoy this lesson by Terry Nash from our series on the Psalms

Psalm 131