Why Do Christians Rely on the New Testament?

In this lesson from the “Why?” series, Nate Bibens takes a look at the Old and New Testaments.  The lesson discusses the nature of the Old Testament and the covenants recorded in it, and shows that while the Old Testament is still profitable, Christians look to the New Testament for authority in their practice.

Audio Only: Why Do Christians Rely on the New Testament?


The Eras of the Old Testament

The Bible is a big book.  If you don’t have a general understanding of the overall “big picture” then it can be easy to get lost in the details.  In this lesson, Nate Bibens provides a historical outline to the books of the Old Testament.  While very basic, this overview can help the larger parts of the Old Testament fit into place, and be a foundation for further study within its pages!

Audio Only: The Eras of the Old Testament