Fishers of Men (Life of Christ Sermon 14)

As Jesus moved to Capernaum, He began His Galilean ministry.  At the onset of this phase, the Lord called a few men to full-time discipleship.  Andrew, Simon, James and John were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee, and though they had spend some time with Jesus, they had returned to their secular work.  In this lesson Nate Bibens teaches over the passages found in the Synoptic Gospels that tell us of Jesus’ call to these four men, and His promise to turn them into “fishers of men.”  This narrative includes another impressive miracle of Jesus, along with wonderful lessons about being a disciple!

Fishers of Men – Audio Only

“Come and See” (Life of Christ Sermon 10)

The very first men that became the disciples of Jesus received the invitations, “Come and See” and “Follow Me.”  With those sweet few words Jesus extended the greatest invitation to His disciples, and He still extends that invitation to us today.  In this lesson, Nate Bibens teaches on Jesus’ first calling of His disciples in John 1:19-51!

Come and See: The First Disciples – Audio Only

Temptations in the Wilderness (Life of Christ Sermon 9)

After the awe-inspiring scene of His baptism, Jesus was led by the Spirit to the wilderness.  There He would face Satan in a series of temptations.  In this sermon, Nate Bibens retells the events of Matthew 4 and Luke 4, showing how Jesus overcame every temptation.  This event teaches us great things about how our adversary attacks us, and how we too can overcome as Jesus did!

Temptations in the Wilderness – Audio Only

The Baptism of Jesus (Life of Christ Sermon 8)

After 30 years of near silence, the gospel narrative focuses on Jesus as He departed Nazareth and headed to the Jordan River to be baptized by John the Baptist.  This momentous event was the inauguration of Jesus’ public ministry, and was accompanied by divine signs.  In this eigth sermon of the Life of Christ series, Nate Bibens teaches on this important event that is recorded in Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11 and Luke 2:41-52!

The Baptism of Jesus – Audio Only

Early Life of Jesus (Life of Christ Sermon 7)

The gospels do not give us much information about the childhood or early life of Jesus.  What we do have is recorded in Matthew 2 and Luke 2.  In this sermon, evangelist Nate Bibens teaches on the flight of Jesus’ family to Egypt, Jesus visit to the Temple at the age of 12, and Luke’s comments about the growth of Jesus!

Early Life of Jesus – Audio Only

The Birth of Jesus (Life of Christ Sermon 6)

Following up on the wondrous birth announcements, Nate Bibens teaches on the marvelous narratives of the birth of Jesus, recorded in Matthew 2 and Luke 2.  Not only had the Lord’s birth been announced in miraculous ways, His birth was accompanied by some unique visors and divine proclamations!

The Birth of Jesus – Audio Only

The Birth Announcements Part 3 (Life of Christ Sermon 5)

Nate Bibens continues discussing the wondrous events leading up to the birth of Christ.  In this sermon, Nate teaches on Mary’s visit to Elizabeth and the songs of each woman (Luke 1:39-56) as well as the final angelic birth announcements of the gospel narratives – the angel that spoke to Joseph about his betrothed Mary and the child she was carrying (Mt. 1:18-25)!


 Audio Only

The Birth Announcements Part 1 (Life of Christ Sermon 3)

Here is the third sermon of the “Life of Christ” series being preached at Springer Road.  In this sermon, Nate Bibens teaches on Gabriel’s announcement to Zacharias concerning the birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:5-25).


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Who is Jesus? (Life of Christ Sermon 2)

Here is the second sermon in the “Life of Christ” series.  In this second sermon, the genealogies of Matthew and Luke (Mt. 1:1-17; Lk. 3:23-38) are harmonized alongside the prologue of John’s gospel (Jn. 1:1-18) to introduce the person and nature of Christ.  This sermon highlights the important lessons of how the gospel writers introduced Jesus to their readers, showcasing the fulfillment of prophecy and revealing why Jesus is so important to people of all ages!


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