Church Leadership: Working Towards an Eldership

Church leadership is an important topic, or at least it should be.  This lesson discusses important reasons for congregations to actively work towards establishing an eldership.  It also includes some brief comments on how members can work towards this noble and Biblical goal!

Audio Only: Church Leadership: The Importance of Working Towards and Eldership

Church Leadership: New Testament Titles for Church Leaders

Titles help identify an office. They also point to the purpose of an office.  In this lesson, evangelist Nate Bibens discusses the various titles the New Testament gives for church leaders, and what those titles teach us.  Understanding the titles of church leaders is the first step in understand the work and role of church leaders!

Audio Only: Church Leadership: New Testament Titles for Church Leaders

Church Leadership: The New Testament Pattern

Faithful Christians believe that through His Word, God has provided a pattern for those things which are essential to faithfulness.  God’s patterns lay out morality, doctrine, and worship.  But what about leadership?  Does Scripture provide a pattern for how the New Testament Church is to be led?  Of equal importance, if there is such a pattern, are we following it?

Audio Only: Church Leadership: The New Testament Pattern