The Birth Announcements Part 3 (Life of Christ Sermon 5)

Nate Bibens continues discussing the wondrous events leading up to the birth of Christ.  In this sermon, Nate teaches on Mary’s visit to Elizabeth and the songs of each woman (Luke 1:39-56) as well as the final angelic birth announcements of the gospel narratives – the angel that spoke to Joseph about his betrothed Mary and the child she was carrying (Mt. 1:18-25)!


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The Birth Announcements Part 1 (Life of Christ Sermon 3)

Here is the third sermon of the “Life of Christ” series being preached at Springer Road.  In this sermon, Nate Bibens teaches on Gabriel’s announcement to Zacharias concerning the birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:5-25).


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Greetings to the Corinthians: 1 Cor. 1:1-9

In the second sermon of the First Corinthians series, Nate Bibens discusses the first nine verses of chapter one.  These verses include Paul’s greeting and thanksgiving as he opens this important letter.  While we tend to read through these greetings very quickly sometimes, they have spiritual and theological significance as Paul weaves lessons of God, Christ, and the Church into his opening remarks!


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Who is Jesus? (Life of Christ Sermon 2)

Here is the second sermon in the “Life of Christ” series.  In this second sermon, the genealogies of Matthew and Luke (Mt. 1:1-17; Lk. 3:23-38) are harmonized alongside the prologue of John’s gospel (Jn. 1:1-18) to introduce the person and nature of Christ.  This sermon highlights the important lessons of how the gospel writers introduced Jesus to their readers, showcasing the fulfillment of prophecy and revealing why Jesus is so important to people of all ages!


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Evangelist Smith Bibens recently visited the Springer Road congregation, and preached both services on January 15th 2017.  Here is Smith’s second sermon of the day; a warning against falling prey to wise sounding but deceptive speech, otherwise known as “Sophistry.”


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