John’s gospel is well known for the unique way he opens his account. Instead of birth narratives, John takes readers back to eternity before time began! But that isn’t the only distinctive feature of John’s opening chapter. Throughout John 1, the beloved disciple skillfully weaves several titles of Jesus into the story, introducing us naturally, subtly, yet powerful to King Jesus!
Category: Audio Sermons
Be Ready: The Importance of Spiritual Preparedness
The Christian life is one of growing, maturing, and preparing. We will face many challenges and opportunities, but when such things will come is unknown. Thus, it is essential to prepare and get ready so that when challenges or opportunities arise, we are ready and prepared. In the sermon, evangelist Nate Bibens considers a few scenarios for which Christians must be ready!
Bad Questions
There’s no such thing as a bad question—or is there? In this sermon, Nate Bibens considers several examples of bad questions throughout the Bible. These questions weren’t just bad questions—they revealed hearts and attitudes that weren’t right with God. Perhaps our words and questions might provide insight into our own hearts and minds!
Enemies of the Cross
Are you an enemy of the cross? Evangelist Nate Bibens reviews Paul’s description of “enemies of the cross” in Philippians 3:18-19 to help us not only watch out for such enemies and ensure we aren’t enemies of the cross ourselves!
Havens Toward Heaven
Heaven is the destination, but the stormy sea of life lies between here and there. But God has provided His people with havens and safe harbors along the way. Evangelist Nate Bibens considers some of the “havens” that help us as we navigate our way toward eternity
See That You Tell No One
Several times during Jesus’ life, the Lord commanded recipients of His miracles to be silent about the healing they experienced or witnessed. Why did the Lord do that? In this sermon, Elder James Smith considers several of these examples and explains some of the reasons for the Lord’s actions. In doing so, he reminds us of the importance of doing things the Lord’s way!
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I Shall Dwell Forever (Psalm 23:6)
Psalm 23 is a brief Psalm, yet one packed with beautiful imagery. If we push past the familiarity, deeper consideration of the great Psalm can also provide some challenging yet wondrous truths. In this sermon, evangelist Nate Bibens concludes his series on Psalm 23 with a look at the final verse in the Psalm!
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My Cup Overflows (Psalm 23:5)
In this lesson from a series on Psalm 23, evangelist Nate Bibens considers Psalm 23:5, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” In this beautiful verse, David adds a new layer to the powerful metaphor of his relationship with the Lord—that of a welcomed guest at the table of a lavish host!
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Let’s Make a Deal (Genesis 15-17)
Elder James Smith covers Genesis 15-17 in the sermon and discusses the amazing events and promises that are recorded there—events and promises that still affect us today!
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For You Are With Me (Psalm 23: Part 3)
In this sermon from his series on Psalm 23, evangelist Nate Bibens considers verse 4—perhaps the most well-known verse of this beloved Psalm. This verse is packed with exciting details, vivid imagery, and powerful truths. The child of God need not fear the darkest valleys of life’s road, for he or she can say of Jesus, “You are with me!”