Go, and Sin no More (Life of Christ Lesson 32)

The day after the Feast of Tabernacles, the Scribes and Pharisees tried to put Jesus on the spot.  They brought a woman caught in adultery to Him and asked, “Should we stone her according to Law of Moses?”  The whole situation was a setup, but how would Jesus respond?  More importantly, what does Jesus’ response mean and how does it apply to us today?  Find out in this lesson from the Life of Christ series!

Audio Only: Go and Sin No More

How to Study the Bible

Many Christians recognize the Bible is the Word of God, and they know they should study it more, but they’re stuck at “how?”  The Bible can be a daunting book to tackle, so in this lesson some basic Bible study suggestions are provided.  We hope this study will encourage you to dive in to deeper Bible study for yourself!

Audio Only: How to Study the Bible

A Christian’s Responsibility to Church Leaders

Most of the time we teach on leadership, we teach on the roles and qualifications of the leaders.  But what about those who aren’t leaders?  What is our responsibility to the leaders of the Church?  This lesson examines the Bible’s message to all Christians concerning their duties towards church leaders.

Audio Only: A Christian’s Responsibility to Church Leaders

Teach Them Diligently: A Biblical Call for Godly Homes

Children are a blessing from God, but one that comes with enormous responsibility.  God commands parents to teach their children the ways of the Lord.  The importance of this responsibility can’t be overstated. The very souls of our children are at stake!  So we hope you enjoy this lesson on the urgent need for Christian parents to bring up children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord!

Audio Only: Teach Them Diligently: A Biblical Call for Godly Homes

The Lost Sheep & The Lost Coin

The Jewish leaders criticized Jesus on many occasions, but one of their chief complaints was Jesus’ association with tax-collectors and sinners.  In Luke 15 we read of such a complaint, followed by a series of parables Jesus told. These parables illustrated why He cared for sinners, and why we should too!  In this lesson, James Smith reviews two of these parables: The Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin!

Audio Only: The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin

More than Words

More than Words

Valentine’s day is weeks old now, and the card companies and candy manufacturers have long since moved on to the next holiday. While the holiday of love is all but forgotten for another year, love is not, and should not, be forgotten. While it may be fun to use certain times of the year like valentines day or anniversaries to especially celebrate love, real love should be practiced every day. And notice I said “practiced.” Love is much more that a card or simply saying, “I love you.” It is appropriate to verbalize our love, but real love is shown through action. Continue reading “More than Words”

Not by Bread Alone: The Spiritual Discipline of Fasting

This lesson from the “Disciplined Disciples” series focuses on the topic of fasting.  While a common Biblical topic, fasting is often a disregarded practice.  So in this sermon, Nate Bibens examines how the Bible describes fasting, Jesus’ example and teaching on the subject, and the primary Biblical purposes of the practice.

Audio Only: Not by Bread Alone: The Spiritual Discipline of Fasting

Alone with God: Spiritual Disciplines for Private Growth Part 2

Alone with God: Part 1 covered the foundational disciplines of Solitude and Bible Study.  Building on that foundation, this lesson covers two more spiritual disciplines that are instrumental to a Christian’s personal growth – meditation and prayer.

Audio Only: Alone with God Part 2