What God Has Joined Together (Life of Christ Sermon 37)

Divorce and remarriage is a volatile issue, and it has been for thousands of years! In fact, the Pharisees used the topic to try and trap Jesus. Instead of being trapped, Jesus gave them (and us) a powerful and sobering lesson about marriage. This sermon from the Life of Christ series focuses on Matthew 19:1-12 and Jesus’ teaching on the subject of divorce.

What God Has Joined Together

Why Should I Share the Gospel?

It’s a given that preachers should be sharing the gospel.  But, is spreading the good news their responsibility alone?  What if instead of leaving all the preaching to preachers, every Christian sought to bring souls to Christ?  This lesson reviews the New Testament reasons why every Christian should be involved in sharing the gospel!

Audio Only: Why Should I Share the Gospel?

Husbands and Wives

The first institution God created for mankind’s benefit was marriage.  Sadly, however, the state of marriage in the modern world is often abysmal.  Too often, marriage is a source of strife and discord instead of joy and harmony.  This lesson focuses on the New Testament pattern for marriages, and the attitudes husbands and wives should purse to have godly, harmonious marriages!

Audio Only: Husbands and Wives

Take Away the Stone (Life of Christ Sermon 36)

John 11 is the culmination of Jesus’ public ministry in John’s gospel.  It is in this chapter that Jesus performed the incredible miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead.  This miracle wasn’t just an impressive show of power; it pointed to something even greater.  Further, the miracle of healing Lazarus was an important turning point concerning Jesus and the Jewish leaders.  Listen to this sermon from the Life of Christ series to learn more about the incredible day when Jesus called Lazarus forth from the grave!

Audio Only: Take Away the Stone

Christian Comparisons: An Athlete

Christian Comparisons: An Athlete

Yesterday, we discussed the first of five metaphors Paul uses to describe the Christian life in 2 Timothy 2. Today, let’s consider the next picture. Paul says in verse five, “An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.” Like a soldier, a professional athlete is an occupation that requires a great deal of dedication and training. What Paul especially focuses on here, however, is the nature of competition and victory athletes face—if they wish to succeed, they must follow the rules. Continue reading “Christian Comparisons: An Athlete”

Church Leadership: The New Testament Pattern

Faithful Christians believe that through His Word, God has provided a pattern for those things which are essential to faithfulness.  God’s patterns lay out morality, doctrine, and worship.  But what about leadership?  Does Scripture provide a pattern for how the New Testament Church is to be led?  Of equal importance, if there is such a pattern, are we following it?

Audio Only: Church Leadership: The New Testament Pattern