Fearfully & Wonderfully Made: Confronting Abortion Biblically

Abortion has been and will continue to be a volatile and highly debated topic in America. In this highly emotive discussion, what view should Christians take? What guidance does the Bible provide to show us how to think and live regarding the practice of abortion? In this sermon evangelist Nate Bibens seeks to provide a Biblical answer to the subject of abortion.


The Family

Many organizations and institutions have been attacked by modern progressivism. But perhaps none has been attacked more than the family. For far longer than just recent years, culture has waged war on the traditional family unit. Today, there are even those that openly call for the deconstruction of the “nuclear family.” In this lesson, Jonathan Owens considers some of the current trends in America concerning families and compares that with the Biblical pattern, encouraging Christians to commit to God’s way, not culture’s

Truth & Situation Ethics

Pilate once famously asked, “what is truth?” Today, many people ask the same question. Many people deny absolute truth, and instead view truth as a relative concept. One outcome of this view is what is frequently called “situation ethics” – the idea that instead of absolute moral truth, morality and truth can and often are defined by one’s circumstances. In this lesson from the Moral Issues series at Springer Road, David Brown considers one of the oft-cited proof texts of situation ethics advocates–Mathew 12 and the incident of Jesus’ disciples picking grain on the Sabbath. David considers the concept of situation ethics, the Biblical story, and whether or not the passage condones situation ethics or not!

Second Samuel

First Samuel recounts the beginning of the kingdom era for Israel, but ends with the death of Israel’s first king, Saul. Second Samuel continues the tale of Israel’s history, and focuses on David as he rises to become king first of Judah, then all of Israel. This lesson provides an overview of this book and the details it gives about the successes and the failures of David’s reign!

Fornication & Immorality

One of the key moral issues humanity has always faced is sexual immorality. Throughout the Old Testament and the New, God’s people have been called to a standard of purity and morality. In this lesson, James Smith introduces this new teaching series, and tackles the subject of immorality. He provides a Biblical understanding of the topic, clear warnings of the danger, and helpful, biblical guidance Christians can follow to avoid this all-too-common problem.


The Judges was a dark era of Israelites history, but even in the darkest of times, righteousness can thrive. The story of Ruth takes place in the era of the Judges, but it is a story of love, faithfulness, and God’s wondrous providence. Enjoy this simple overview of the Old Testament book of Ruth!


Following the successful era of Joshua and the conquest of the Promised Land, Israel’s history took a dark turn. The book of Judges includes some amazing and intriguing stories, but it also reveals the sad spiritual state of Israel during this time. In this lesson Nate Bibens provides a simple overview of this Old Testament book.

James: A Son of Thunder

While James the Apostle didn’t write any of the New Testament, and though he’s only mentioned a handful of times in the New Testament, he still provides some valuable lessons. This man was present for some momentous events, and various lessons for all Christians can be gleaned from this Son of Thunder!

What is a Christian?

Across the world, billions of people call themselves “Christian.” But what does it mean to be a Christian? If you were asked what it means that you are a Christian, how would you answer? This lesson seeks to provide a general overview of who a Christian is and what it means to be Christian.