A Beautiful Thing (Life of Christ Sermon 39)

Mary of Bethany was humble yet devoted.  She teaches great lessons in the few instances she appears in the gospels.  That is certainly true of the climactic act of service when she anointed Jesus with costly oil!  We hope you enjoy this lesson from the Life of Christ series where we look at the wonderful act Jesus Himself termed “a beautiful thing!”

Audio Only: A Beautiful Thing: The Anointing of Jesus at Bethany

So Close and Yet So Far (Life of Christ Sermon 38)

All of Jesus’ teachings are important for Christians.  But perhaps one of the most relevant lessons for modern Christians comes from the story of the rich young ruler.  We hope you enjoy and benefit from this lesson from the Life of Christ series!

Audio Only: So Close and Yet So Far: Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

What God Has Joined Together (Life of Christ Sermon 37)

Divorce and remarriage is a volatile issue, and it has been for thousands of years! In fact, the Pharisees used the topic to try and trap Jesus. Instead of being trapped, Jesus gave them (and us) a powerful and sobering lesson about marriage. This sermon from the Life of Christ series focuses on Matthew 19:1-12 and Jesus’ teaching on the subject of divorce.

What God Has Joined Together

Take Away the Stone (Life of Christ Sermon 36)

John 11 is the culmination of Jesus’ public ministry in John’s gospel.  It is in this chapter that Jesus performed the incredible miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead.  This miracle wasn’t just an impressive show of power; it pointed to something even greater.  Further, the miracle of healing Lazarus was an important turning point concerning Jesus and the Jewish leaders.  Listen to this sermon from the Life of Christ series to learn more about the incredible day when Jesus called Lazarus forth from the grave!

Audio Only: Take Away the Stone

Woes and Warnings (Life of Christ Sermon 35)

As a guest at a Pharisee’s house, Jesus unleashed a series of stinging woes on the Pharisees and Lawyers.  Following this, thousands flocked to hear Him, and He used the opportunity to give serious warnings to His disciples.  This lesson covers these woes and warnings that are recorded in Luke chapters 11 and 12.

Audio Only: Woes and Warnings

One Thing is Needed (Life of Christ Sermon 34)

The Christian life is not just about choosing between right and wrong, but choosing what is best. Many well-meaning Christians find themselves in the same boat as Martha–distracted, anxious, and troubled. In this lesson from the Life of Christ series, Nate Bibens discusses Luke 10:38-42, and the story of Jesus in the home of Martha and Mary!

Audio Only: One Thing is Needed

Go, and Sin no More (Life of Christ Lesson 32)

The day after the Feast of Tabernacles, the Scribes and Pharisees tried to put Jesus on the spot.  They brought a woman caught in adultery to Him and asked, “Should we stone her according to Law of Moses?”  The whole situation was a setup, but how would Jesus respond?  More importantly, what does Jesus’ response mean and how does it apply to us today?  Find out in this lesson from the Life of Christ series!

Audio Only: Go and Sin No More

On the Holy Mountain (Life of Christ Sermon 31)

After Peter’s great confession, Jesus shocked the disciples by plainly stating He must go to Jerusalem and be put to death.  How could this be?  Wasn’t He the Son of the Living God?  A week passed, and Jesus ascended a high mountain with Peter, James, and John to pray.  There, one of the greatest events in world history would transpire – Jesus would be transfigured before the three disciples, and they would see His divine, glorified nature.  In this lesson from the Life of Christ series, Nate Bibens discusses this great event and why it was such an important occasion.

Audio Only: On the Holy Mountain

The Messiah and His Work (Life of Christ Sermon 30)

Who is Jesus?  That one question is one of the most important questions we will ever be confronted with.  It was an important question during Jesus’ very own lifetime, and a question He essentially posed to His disciples.  In this lesson, Nate Bibens reviews the wonderful and important conversation that takes place in Matthew 16:13-23!

Audio Only: The Messiah and His Work