The Resurrection: Part 3 (Life of Christ Sermon 48)

The purpose of Jesus’ crucifixion was to offer redemption and reconciliation to mankind. His resurrection confirmed the power of this sacrificial act. The truth and power of this are shown in two of the Lord’s resurrection appearances recorded in John: the appearance to the disciples with Thomas and the appearance by the Sea of Galilee.



The Resurrection: Part 2 (Life of Christ Sermon 47)

The Sunday after Jesus was crucified was a strange and marvelous day. The disciples were still cowering in fear, but some women had reported Jesus’ tomb was empty, and angels told them He was alive. Peter and John had verified that the tomb was indeed empty. As the day drew on, Jesus confirmed His resurrection with various appearances. This lesson considers Jesus’ appearances to some of the women, two disciples traveling to Emmaus, and finally to the ten disciples gathered in an upper room!

The Crucifixion (Life of Christ Sermon 45)

The gravest miscarriage of justice in all of history is described in the gospels with the simple words, “they crucified him.” Behind this simple phrase is an act of suffering and death. And yet, as terrible as the crucifixion was, it was part of God’s plan. Jesus’ death served as a sin-bearing sacrifice for all humanity, thus giving all mankind hope of redemption and eternal life. This lesson reviews the four gospels and their accounts of that awful day when Jesus gave up His life for our sins.

The Farewell Discourse Part 2 (Life of Christ Sermon 43)

The Farewell Discourse was the last conversation Jesus had with  His disciples before He was arrested and crucified.  This discourse is recorded in John chapters 14-16.  In the previous sermon, we discussed four major themes that appear in this discourse.  This lesson covers the final four themes found in this passage.

Audio Only: The Farewell Discourse Part 2

“As I Have Done to You”

John 13 records an astounding story from the life of Jesus.  During the final supper with His disciples, Jesus settled a dispute in a shocking way.  While the disciples argued about who was greatest, Jesus took a towel and water basin and washed their feet.  He wanted them (and us) to learn from and follow His example!

Audio Only: As I Have Done to You

A Day of Questions (Life of Christ Sermon 40)

The Tuesday before Jesus’ crucifixion was a busy day.  The Jewish leaders sought to entrap Jesus with His words, so they peppered Him with their most challenging questions.  One by one Jesus answered their questions as a master teacher, until none dared to challenge Him further.  This sermon from the Life of Christ series focuses on those questions and answers to explore what Christians can learn from them today!

Audio Only: A Day of Questions