
Deuteronomy is the fifth book in the Old Testament and the conclusion of the section known as the “Pentateuch” or “Torah.” This retelling of the Law is a powerful book that, although originally given to Israel, has many important lessons for Christians today!



The fourth book of the Bible, Numbers, records the tragic events following Israel’s departure from Mt. Sinai. What should have been a short journey to begin the conquest of Canaan resulted in four decades of wandering the wilderness, all because of rebellion. Despite the many failures, God’s will prevails, and His plans are not thwarted. This lesson is the fourth in a series of Bible book overviews and reviews the highlights and importance of this Old Testament book!





Of all the books of the Bible, Leviticus might be the most avoided. It seems strange, difficult to understand, and frankly, most modern readers find it boring. But the third book of the Bible possesses some valuable and foundational lessons, even for the New Testament Christian. This lesson provides an overview of Leviticus, highlighting its outline, key themes, and some of the ways Leviticus actually points to the person and work of Jesus!




The book of Exodus contains some of the most recognizable Bible passages of all, such as the 10 plagues and the 10 commandments. But the story of Exodus is even bigger. It is the story of God fulfilling promises and creating a nation through which He would accomplish the greatest promise of all!




“In the Beginning…” Genesis is the introduction and foundation to the rest of the Bible. It answers some of life’s most important questions and points to the answer of greater questions. Genesis is certainly worth an in-depth study, but this sermon provides a simple, introductory overview to highlight the main themes, outline, and structure of this great book.

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