Lamentations: An Overview

Lamentations is often overlooked and ignored. Perhaps it’s because of its poetic style, somber message, graphic descriptions of suffering, or some other reason. But the book of Lamentations is an important book about the consequences of sin and rebellion. Its message might not be easy, but God’s Word is challenging sometimes. In this sermon, Nate Bibens provides an overview of this Old Testament book.

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A Trustworthy Saying

We are engulfed in noise and information, much of which is misguided and false. In the deluge of uncertainty, we need truth we can trust in. In this sermon, evangelist Nate Bibens walks us through Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus and a handful of claims the inspired apostle declares to be “trustworthy sayings.” These sayings prove to be profound and powerful truths that can guide our hearts and lives so that we can be trustworthy and faithful servants of the Lord!

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Jacob’s Prayer

As Jacob escaped his father-in-law Laban, a new threat approached—his brother Esau and 400 men. Jacob prepared as best he could…and he prayed. In this sermon, evangelist Nate Bibens uses Jacob’s prayer to outline important reminders God’s people can hold on to when they approach Him in prayer!

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Who is the Antichrist?

Who is the antichrist? That’s a question that gets a lot of answers. Unfortunately, many of them aren’t based on Scripture. In this lesson, evangelist Nate Bibens considers the handful of Biblical passages that mention the antichrist to see if we can answer this intriguing question. The answer might be clearer and even more frightening than often thought!

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