A Living Sacrifice

This week, we’ve considered Biblical subjects described as “living.” Today, let’s consider one that may seem paradoxical at first. In Romans 12:1, the Apostle Paul writes, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” In the Old Testament, sacrifice usually revolved around death, such as the death of a lamb or other animal. When we talk about Jesus’ sacrifice, we mean His death on the cross. But as we follow Christ, Paul calls us to offer a living sacrifice.

Many Christians have died for their faith. But many more never face martyrdom. Even so, we can offer a great sacrifice to God—the sacrifice of daily faithfulness. Because of Jesus, we can be redeemed and renewed, and our faithful obedience can be an acceptable and pleasing sacrifice to God. How will you live today? Will you be a living sacrifice for God?

A Living Sacrifice

Living Stones

Sometimes, we talk about the memories of an old house or muse on what we could learn if halls had ears and walls had eyes. But we know that buildings are not alive. But there is a house that Scripture says is alive. Or, more specifically, the materials of this house are alive. 

First Peter 2:4-5 reads, “As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

The church is a living house. Not the building we assemble at—but the body of believers who make up the church—they are described as the temple of God in the New Covenant—a house made of living stones that shares and glorifies the goodness of God. What a privilege it is to be a living stone in the house of God!

Living Stones

The Living Word

Many books and writings are powerful and impactful. Some written works are read, used, and appreciated for generations. While man’s writings may be impactful, none can be called a “living word.” That’s just part of what separates the Bible from all other writings. Because Scripture is the Word of God, it’s more than just a collection of helpful and insightful writings. Scripture is the very Word of God revealed to humanity. Thus, the Bible isn’t just a self-help book or something to help us develop better habits and characteristics. The Word of God can actively transform us and lead us to the eternal life God offers His faithful children. Don’t neglect reading and studying the living and abiding Word of God!

The Living God

Isn’t it wonderful to be alive! Surely we all think so, but what does it mean to be alive? What does it mean to be a living creature? “Living” is a concept we understand innately, even if we rarely or never define such a concept. But we know the difference between things that are alive and inanimate. Throughout Scripture, there are a few things described as “living.” And while that may seem simple, the lessons to be learned are essential.

Today, let’s consider that God is often referred to in Scripture as “the living God.” For example, Psalm 43:2 says, “…my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God.” Hebrews 10:31 warns, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” 

Remembering that God is alive may seem basic, but how often has humanity worshipped false gods and idols instead of the real, living God? God is alive, active, and powerful. Don’t worship anything less than the almighty, living God!

Lift Up Your Eyes

Are you looking for another resolution or two? Let me suggest one: “Lift up your eyes.” To explain that a little, let’s turn to John 4. 

After Jesus spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well, she went into town and began telling anyone who would listen about Jesus. While she was away, Jesus’ disciples met up with Him. They were surprised that He had been talking with a Samaritan woman and worried the Lord needed food and water. But Jesus told them, “Lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” A great opportunity to help, bless, and preach the good news was developing, but the disciples weren’t looking for such an opportunity. How often do we miss chances to do good, serve, or share the gospel because we just aren’t paying attention? Perhaps this year, we can all plan to “lift up our eyes” and look for opportunities to bless others and share the gospel of Jesus.

Something Constant

It’s hard to believe, but we are almost a quarter of the way through this century. As the years roll on, we have seen tremendous change. Our older generation has witnessed more change than any generation in history. Those in their 30s, 40s, and 50s have lived through immense change. And younger generations have come into a world defined by constant change. Politics, technology, medicine, economics, entertainment, norms, and trends cycle faster and faster. And yet—for all the change, there is something sure, steadfast, and constant—the Lord. 

Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.” The Lord isn’t outdated or behind the times—He is simply so good, so perfect, so great that He need never change. He is always relevant. He is always the answer. And as you start this New Year with all its various changes, make sure you do so, trusting in and obeying the unchanging and ever-perfect King Jesus. 

Happy New Year!

Hello, and Happy New Year! Every day is a blessing from God, but January 1st always feels special because we are gifted not only another day but a new year. Of course, we don’t know what this new year will hold. We aren’t even promised that we will get to see the entirety of the year. But if God blesses us with another full year, how will you use that blessing? 

You likely have some plans to get in better shape, save more, start a new hobby, or grow in some facet of your life. And that’s great. But will you be intentional about setting goals that will help you grow spiritually? What disciplines can help you with faithfulness? In what ways can you plan to bear more fruit for the Lord? However much of a new year God blesses you with, how will you use that blessing to honor the Great I Am?

Looking Back on 2024

We find ourselves at the end of another year. You may have grand goals for 2025, but before we flip the calendar and say goodbye to this year, it may be wise to reflect on the past year before heading into the new. What happened in 2024 that you have to be thankful for? Even if it was a tough year, if we look back, surely hindsight can help us see God’s goodness and care. What about growth? Was 2024 a year of spiritual maturing? In what ways did you improve your spiritual walk and increase your faithfulness? What struggles did you encounter that maybe you didn’t expect? 

Taking time to look back can be a positive way to look forward and begin a new year. Use previous success to drive more growth. Learn from challenges and struggles to become stronger in the year ahead. And always remember to place your faith in God and follow Him every day He gives you.

Do You Do Well?

In Jonah 4, the prophet was angry that God had shown mercy to the Ninevites. While he was sulking outside the city, God asked Jonah twice, “Do you do well to be angry?” Sadly, Jonah thought his anger was justified. 

If asked if we are “good people” or “doing well,” most of us would answer in the affirmative. But would we be correct? It’s easy to justify our behavior, excuse our faults, and overlook our problems. When we are the judge, we tend to think we are doing quite well. This is why God’s Word is so important. We can honestly answer whether we are doing well only when we compare our lives to Scripture. Are we trusting in the Lord? Are we obeying His commands? Does God’s Word rebuke our life? Don’t answer the question “Do you do well?” for yourself. Let God’s Word answer that question. And if it isn’t a good answer, let God’s Word guide you in the corrections that must be made.