In John 5, Jesus heals a man that had been suffering for 38 years. The joyous occasion led to confrontation however when the Jewish leaders became upset for the violation of their traditions. This sets the scene for a powerful sermon from Jesus Himself on His divine nature!
Author: NBibens
Beatitudes Part 2: Matthew 5:4-6
In the second lesson of the “Sermon on the Mount” series, James Smith teaches on the three beatitudes found in Matthew 5:4-6:
– Blessed are those who mourn
– Blessed are the meek
– Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount
In this first lesson of the series, Nate Bibens provides an introduction to the Sermon on the Mount, as well as an introduction to “The Beatitudes.”
Come to Call Sinners (Life of Christ Sermon 17)
Jesus made it clear early on in His ministry that He wasn’t worried about conforming to the man-made traditions of the day. One of the clearest examples of that was His choice in disciples. As has already been seen in other passages, Jesus’ first disciples were a few fisherman from Galilee. These were hardly the most shocking choices. In this lesson, Nate Bibens teaches on another “disciple calling,” – that of Matthew (also known as Levi) the tax collector. This lesson highlights once again what it means to be a follower of Christ, as well as important lessons that should help us bring others to Christ!
Come to Call Sinners – Audio Only
Power to Forgive (Life of Christ Sermon 16)
Following the grand healing scene in Capernaum, Jesus departed to travel through Galilee preaching the Word. Matthew records that Jesus healed many during this “Galilean campaign” but one specific story is told; the healing of a leper. Returning to Capernaum, we then encounter the famous story of a paralytic being let down through the roof to be healed by Jesus! These narratives are interesting and amazing, but as Nate Bibens points out in the lesson, they further the theme of Jesus’ authority, and contain important lessons for us to learn from!
Power to Forgive – Audio Only
Demons and Disease (Life of Christ Sermon 15)
In the closing portion of Mark 1, an important theme begins to develop as Mark highlights the authority of Jesus. Starting with Jesus’ authoritative teaching, Mark moves on to miracles that showcase Christ’s authority over unclean spirits and the effects of a fallen world. In this lesson Nate Bibens teaches through the Sabbath events when Jesus cast out an unclean spirit, healed Peter’s mother-in-law, and healed many people in Capernaum!
Demons and Disease – Audio Only
Fishers of Men (Life of Christ Sermon 14)
As Jesus moved to Capernaum, He began His Galilean ministry. At the onset of this phase, the Lord called a few men to full-time discipleship. Andrew, Simon, James and John were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee, and though they had spend some time with Jesus, they had returned to their secular work. In this lesson Nate Bibens teaches over the passages found in the Synoptic Gospels that tell us of Jesus’ call to these four men, and His promise to turn them into “fishers of men.” This narrative includes another impressive miracle of Jesus, along with wonderful lessons about being a disciple!
Fishers of Men – Audio Only
Flee Fornication! (1 Cor. 6:12-20)
In this lesson, Nate Bibens teaches over 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, where the Apostle Paul warns the Corinthians of the great danger of fornication and immorality!
Flee Fornication! – Audio Only
Put Away From Yourselves the Evil Person (1 Cor. 5)
Moving on from Paul’s opening arguments, First Corinthians chapter five addresses a specific issue of immorality that was taking place at the church in Corinth. Worse than the sin itself, was the way in which the Church was handling the situation. In this lesson, Nate Bibens teaches on Paul’s rebuke and instruction concerning the man that was living in immorality, which also provides a pattern for how congregations today can and should deal with sin in their midst.
Put Away From Yourselves the Evil Person – Audio Only
Nicodemus: A Conversion Conversation (Life of Christ Sermon 12)
In John chapter 3, we read of a conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus. Nicodemus was a leader of the Jews, but he recognized Jesus was from God. There was much more that Nicodemus needed to learn however, and in this passage we find Jesus teaching the wonderful lesson of conversion, and we also learn about the great love of God!
A Conversion Conversation – Audio Only