Child, Arise! (Life of Christ Sermon 25)

In the last sermon from the Life of Christ series, we learned the story of a woman who was healed by merely touching the fringe of Jesus’ garment.  The whole scene took place while Jesus was travelling to the house of Jairus, with the intent of healing Jairus’ sick little girl.  In this sermon, Nate Bibens teaches on the thrilling end of the story, and a miracle that showed Jesus’ power over the dead!

Audio Only – Child, Arise!

The Fringe of His Garment (Life of Christ Sermon 24)

Upon returning to Capernaum (Mark 5:21-34), Jesus was greeted by a large crowd and an urgent request – Jairus’ daughter was sick and close to death.  Jesus agreed to help, but on His way to heal the girl a suffering woman sought her own cure.  We hope you enjoy this sermon “The Fringe of His Garment” by Nate Bibens!

Audio Only – The Fringe of His Garment

The Demon Legion (Life of Christ sermon 23)

After watching Jesus calm the storm on the Sea of Galilee, the disciples fearfully asked each other, “Who then is this, that even the wind and sea obey Him?” (Mk. 4:41).  They would receive the answer to their questions only a short time later, and from the most unlikely of sources–a man possessed by a legion of demons!  Mark 5:1-20 tells us of the encounter between Jesus and a legion of demons, and the remarkable salvation Jesus was able to offer to a hopeless man.  We hope you enjoy this sermon from the Life of Christ series!

Audio Only: The Demon Legion

The Sabbath Showdown (Life of Christ Sermon 20)

One of the primary sources of conflict between Jesus and the Jewish leaders revolved around their traditions regarding the Sabbath.  One particular event that highlights this controversy is a Sabbath day on which the Pharisees rebuked Jesus’ disciples for “plucking heads of grain on the Sabbath.”  In this lesson, Nate Bibens focuses on this event and how Jesus responded to such accusations.

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Like Father Like Son: Part 2 (Life of Christ Sermon 19)

In this sermon, Nate Bibens continues a lesson based in John 5, and Jesus’ comments to the Jewish leaders about His own divinity.  Particularly in this section, the Lord’s words tell of the witnesses to His divinity – witnesses the Jewish leaders had rejected.  Jesus uttered strong words of condemnation on those that had rejected such witnesses, and those words serve as a warning for us today as well!

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