Does God speak today? If so, how does He speak? Can we trust those who claim to be recipients of divine dreams and visions? Should we trust our feelings and emotions as God-guided? In this lesson, evangelist Nate Bibens reviews how God has historically communicated His Word, and what the Bible teaches Christians should expect today!
Author: NBibens
Is the Bible Reliable? (Episode 002)
The Bible makes the bold claim that it is nothing less than the inspired Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Is it though? Critics have levied many attacks against the Bible’s accuracy and trustworthiness, and these attacks shake the faith of many Bible students. In this lesson, Nate Bibens considers some of the attacks levied against the Bible to answer the question, “Is the Bible Reliable?”
What is the Bible? (Episode 001)
Of the hundreds of millions of books that have been written, one stands out from all of them – the Bible. This book has sold more copies, been translated into more languages, and impacted more lives than any other book in history. But what is it? Why is it so important? Can we understand it? In this pilot episode, Nate Bibens overviews the layout, literary style, and importance of the Bible.
The Bread of Life (Life of Christ Sermon 28)
The day after miraculously feeding thousands, Jesus engaged in a conversation known as the “Bread of Life Discourse.” In this discussion between Jesus and various groups of followers, He made the first of seven “I Am” statements that John records. Further, the discussion marked a drastic turning point in the Lord’s ministry, and contains truths about the nature of belief that every Christian needs to understand!
Audio Only: The Bread of Life
Walking on Stormy Waters (Life of Christ Sermon 27)
After the miraculous feeding of thousands, Jesus’ disciples found themselves in a storm on the Sea of Galilee once more! This time, however, Jesus wasn’t with them. As they strove against the wind, their Master came to them in the most unlikely of manners – walking on the waters! In this sermon, Nate Bibens discusses the gospel accounts of Jesus and Peter walking on the storm-tossed Sea of Galilee.
Audio Only – Walking on Stormy Waters
“Here I Am…” – Genesis 22
After many years of growing in his faith, Abraham faced a final great test in Genesis 22. God had fulfilled His promise and provided Abraham with a son – Isaac. Now, however, God was commanding Abraham to offer his only and beloved son as an offering to God. Would Abraham obey? If he did, how would God fulfill His promise? Nate Bibens teaches on this beautiful Old Testament story in this sermon, “Here I Am!”
Audio Only – “Here I Am” – Abraham Offers Isaac
The Golden Rule: Matthew 7:6-12
The Sermon on the Mount contains some of the simplest, yet most challenging commands. This is particularly true of Jesus’ “golden rule.” It is simple enough that a child can understand it. Living by this rule, however, proves to be more challenging. In this lesson, James Smith discusses Matthew 7:6-12 and the Lord’s teaching on “The Golden Rule!”
Audio Only – The Golden Rule
A Wilderness Feast (Life of Christ Sermon 26)
Of all Jesus’ post-resurrection miracles, only one is recorded in all four gospel accounts: the feeding of the five-thousand. In this lesson, Nate Bibens reviews the various gospel records; retelling the story of Jesus, the good Shepherd, as He fed multitudes that were, “as sheep without a shepherd!”
Audio Only: Feeding the 5,000
“Judge Not…”: Mt. 7:1-5
Matthew 7:1 has become one of the most well known verses in the Bible. But what is Jesus teaching? In this lesson from the Sermon on the Mount series, James Smith discusses the importance of Jesus’ words concerning judging others!
Audio Only – “Judge Not”
Real Treasure: Matthew 6:19-24
In this lesson from the Sermon on the Mount series, Nate Bibens teaches on Matthew 6:19-24, and Jesus’ words concerning real, eternal treasure!
Audio Only – Real Treasure