In this lesson from the series on Second Corinthians, Nate Bibens covers chapter 8, the first of two chapters in the book concerning the collection for the saints and Paul’s instructions regarding Christian giving.
Audio Only: The Grace of Giving
Springer Road Church of Christ
Lawrenceburg, TN
In this lesson from the series on Second Corinthians, Nate Bibens covers chapter 8, the first of two chapters in the book concerning the collection for the saints and Paul’s instructions regarding Christian giving.
Audio Only: The Grace of Giving
Continuing the section of Paul’s call for holiness among the Corinthian Christians, Nate Bibens reviews the great lessons of repentance found in 2 Corinthians chapter 7.
Audio Only: A Call to Holiness: Repentance
As Paul wrapped up the defense of his ministry to the Corinthians, he pleaded that they open their hearts to him. Further, there was an imperative command they desperately needed: “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.” In this lesson, Nate Bibens reviews this passage and discusses the implications of this important command.
Audio Only: A Call to Holiness: Unequal Yokes
After Peter’s great confession, Jesus shocked the disciples by plainly stating He must go to Jerusalem and be put to death. How could this be? Wasn’t He the Son of the Living God? A week passed, and Jesus ascended a high mountain with Peter, James, and John to pray. There, one of the greatest events in world history would transpire – Jesus would be transfigured before the three disciples, and they would see His divine, glorified nature. In this lesson from the Life of Christ series, Nate Bibens discusses this great event and why it was such an important occasion.
Audio Only: On the Holy Mountain
In this final study regarding the worship of the New Testament Church, Nate Bibens discusses what the Bible has to say about giving as a part of worship. Drawing from the Old Testament examples of sacrifice and tithes, and reviewing the commands of the New Testament, he reviews how Christians can and should partake in giving as a part of worship to God.
Do you believe in Heaven? If you claim to be a Christian, chances are your answer is yes. But what does you life say about your belief? What does your worship say about your hope for Heaven?
Audio Only: Do You Believe in Heaven?
For thousands of years, God’s people have worshiped Him through song and petitioned the Lord in prayer. Continuing the series on the Church and its worship, evangelist Ed Daniel studies what Scripture has to say for New Testament Christians concerning these sacred and wonderful activities!
In this third lesson from the 2 Corinthians series being taught by the teachers at Springer Road, James Smith studies what Paul calls “The Fragrance of Christ” in 2 Corinthians 2:14 – 3:18.
Audio Only: The Fragrance of Christ (2 Cor. 2:14 – 3:18)
Thanksgiving has come and gone, but thankful attitudes should remain! Here is a recent lesson from brother Nate Bibens on the Biblical call for thankfulness!
Audio Only: And Be Thankful
Who is Jesus? That one question is one of the most important questions we will ever be confronted with. It was an important question during Jesus’ very own lifetime, and a question He essentially posed to His disciples. In this lesson, Nate Bibens reviews the wonderful and important conversation that takes place in Matthew 16:13-23!
Audio Only: The Messiah and His Work