Leadership is integral for any institution to be successful. That includes the church. But who are the leaders of the church? The Biblical pattern for Church leadership calls for each congregation to be led by a group of godly men known as elders, overseers, or shepherds. But who should these elders be? How does a congregation know which men to appoint as elders? Thankfully, Scripture provides the church with a picture of a qualified elder. This picture is found in First Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This series of lessons is dedicated to this great topic and will feature several sermons covering the qualities outlined in these passages. By the end of this study, our goal is that all who listen to it will be better equipped to understand these qualities and more able to recognize men capable of being elders in the Lord’s church.
Above Reproach: An Introduction and Overview of Eldership Qualifications (By Nate Bibens, Jan. 10, 2021)
The Husband of One Wife (by Nate Bibens: Jan. 17, 2021)
He Must Manage His Own Household Well (by Nate Bibens: Jan. 24, 2021)
Sober-Minded, Self-Controlled, & Disciplined (by Daniel Owens: Jan. 31, 2021)
Respectable, Well Thought of by Outsiders, & Hospitable (by James Smith: Feb. 7, 2021)
Not a Drunkard (by David Brown: Feb. 14, 2021)
Not Arrogant, Not a Recent Convert, and Able to Teach (by Nate Bibens: Feb. 21, 2021)
Not a Lover of Money & Not Greedy for Gain (by James Smith: Feb. 28, 2021)
A Lover of Good, Upright, & Holy (by James Smith: Mar. 7, 2021)
Not Quarrelsome, Not Quick-Tempered, and Not Violent, but Gentle (by Nate Bibens: Mar. 14, 2021)