Good Boasting by Nate Bibens (Dec. 24, 2023)
Lessons from Ezekiel by James Smith (Dec. 17, 2023)
Some Things Jesus Never Said by Terry Nash (Dec. 13, 2023)
Revisiting the Plan of Salvation by Nate Bibens (Dec. 10, 2023)
The Life of a Floating Coconut by Jordan Calvert (Dec. 6, 2023)
Shadow vs. Substance by David Brown (Dec. 3, 2023)
Why Does the Church of Christ Observe the Lord’s Supper Weekly? by David Brown (Nov. 29, 2023)
Limited Love? by Nate Bibens (Oct. 25, 2023)
In God We Trust by James Smith (Oct. 22, 2023)
A Portrait of Faithfulness by Nate Bibens (Oct. 15, 2023)
Jephthah’s Defense by James Smith (Oct. 11, 2023)
Royal Priests by Nate Bibens (Oct. 4, 2023)
Trained by Grace by Nate Bibens (Oct. 1, 2023)
Ecclesiastes 8-9 by Matthew Brown (Sep. 24, 2023)
New Testament Prophets by David Brown (Sep. 20, 2023)
Jephthah: A Hero of Faith by James Smith (Sep. 17, 2023)
Lessons From a Dysfunctional Family by Daniel Owens (Sep. 13, 2023)
Joshua by David Brown (Aug. 30, 2023)
Psalm 131: A Gentle and Quiet Soul by Nate Bibens (Aug. 23, 2023)
What Judas Missed by James Smith (Aug. 20, 2023)
Unholy Goodness by Nate Bibens (Aug. 13, 2023)
The Blame Game by James Smith (Aug. 2, 2023)
Qualifications for Deacons (Deacons: Part 3) by Nate Bibens (July 30, 2023)
What Do Deacons Do? (Deacons: Part 2) by Nate Bibens (July 23, 2023)
Everyone’s A Deacon (Deacons: Part 1) by Nate Bibens (July 16, 2023)
Quenching Fiery Darts by James Smith (July 9, 2023)
Miracles of Jesus: Withering a Fig Tree by Garrett Macy (June 5, 2023)
Miracles of Jesus: Casting Out a Legion of Demons by David Brown (May 14, 2023)
Mary: Mother of the Messiah by Nate Bibens (May 14, 2023)
Miracles of Jesus: Healing Blind Bartimaeus by James Smith (May 10, 2023)
Miracles of Jesus: Demons and Disease by Nate Bibens (May 7, 2023)
Wisdom from Above by Nate Bibens (May 3, 2023)
Learning Obedience by James Smith
A Great Woman by David Brown (Apr. 12, 2023)
Miracles of Jesus: Raising Jairus’ Daughter by Daniel Owens (Apr. 9, 2023)
Psalm 8: What is Man? by Nate Bibens (Apr. 9, 2023)
Samson: The Weak Strong-Man by Nate Bibens (Apr. 2, 2023)
The Names of God (Part 3): Names of God in the New Testament by Nate Bibens (Apr. 2, 2023)
Overcoming Discouragement by James Smith (Mar. 29, 2023)
Miracles of Jesus: Healing Ten Lepers by Matthew Brown (Mar. 26, 2023)
Miracles of Jesus: Calming the Stormy Sea by Terry Nash (Mar. 19, 2023)
Peter’s Rebuke of Jesus by David Brown (Mar. 19, 2023)
Dissatisfaction & Desire (Ecclesiastes 6) by Matthew Brown (Mar. 15, 2023)
Miracles of Jesus: The Second Miraculous Catch of Fish by Jonathan Owens (Mar. 12, 2023)
The Names of God (Part 2) by Nate Bibens (Mar. 12, 2023)
Miracles of Jesus: Healing a Paralytic by David Brown (Mar. 5, 2023)
Forgiveness by Daniel Owens (Mar. 5, 2023)
Confident Assertions by James Smith (Mar. 1, 2023)
Miracles of Jesus: Healing a Man Born Blind by Nate Bibens (Feb. 26, 2023)
Attitudes Towards Money by Matthew Brown (Feb. 26, 2023)
A Change of Heart by Terry Nash (Feb. 22, 2023)
Miracles of Jesus: Turning Water Into Wine by James Smith (Feb. 19, 2023)
“Your Word I Have Hid in My Heart” by Jonathan Owens (Feb. 15, 2023)
Justice and Mercy by Jordan Calvert (Feb. 12, 2023)
The Names of God (Part 1) by Nate Bibens (Feb. 12, 2023)
Psalm 45: A Wedding Song by Nate Bibens (Feb. 8, 2023)
Putting Off and Putting On by James Smith (Feb. 5, 2023)
What Happens When We Die? by David Brown (Feb. 1, 2023)
Jealousy & Envy by Garrett Macy (Jan. 29, 2023)
A Chose Race: The Christian and Racism by David Brown (Jan. 29, 2023)
A Man & His Friends by Terry Nash (Jan. 25, 2023)
When Obedience is Hard by Jonathan Owens (Jan. 22, 2023)
The Dangers of Self-Reliance by Matthew Brown (Jan. 22, 2023)
Trinity: One God or Three? by David Brown (Jan. 18, 2023)
Motives Matter by Daniel Owens (Jan. 15, 2023)
Sins of the Next Generation by James Smith (Jan. 8, 2023)
Psalm 1: A Contrast of the Wicked & the Righteous by Nate Bibens (Jan. 4, 2023)
Evangelism: The Cornelius Model by Nate Bibens (Jan. 1, 2023)
2023 Sermon Archive