Why Have You Brought Us To This Evil Place?

When things go bad, we often want someone to blame, even if we are the ones at fault. In Numbers 20, the Israelites came to a place in the wilderness without water. The people grew angry and said to Moses, “Why have you made us come up out of Egypt to bring us to this evil place? It is no place for grain or figs or vines or pomegranates, and there is no water to drink.”[1] The people blamed Moses for their plight, but it was their fault! 

Had they obeyed God, they could have conquered Canaan and been living in a land flowing with milk and honey. Instead, they rebelled and were punished for 40 years. That wasn’t Moses’ fault. He hadn’t brought them to an evil place—they had made evil choices. When we encounter problems, instead of casting blame, we would do well to do some self-reflection first and see if perhaps we are the one who needs to change.

[1] Num. 20:5

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