In Acts 18, we are introduced to Apollos. This man would become an important convert to Christianity and a powerful gospel preacher. In verse 24, Apollos is described as “mighty in the Scriptures.”[1] That’s quite a compliment. What made Apollos mighty in the Scriptures?
Well, first, he knew the Scriptures. Some translations say that he was “well-versed” or “competent.” He had spent time reading, studying, and learning God’s Word. It’s impossible to be mighty in the Scriptures without putting forth the effort to learn them. But there was more to Apollos.
He didn’t just know the Scriptures—he was passionate about discussing God’s Word with others. He wasn’t just an academic—he sought to help others by sharing God’s Word with them. And perhaps what made him mightiest of all is that he was correctible. When others explained God’s way more accurately, he humbly accepted the instruction and changed. Being mighty in the Scriptures means always being willing to learn and be corrected.
[1] LSB