To gather materials to build the tabernacle, the people of Israel were called upon to give to the cause. Many times when people are asked to donate to some cause or work, they do so sparingly and meagerly. But that wasn’t the case with Israel. In fact, the people brought so many contributions that the workers had far more than needed. But the contributions kept coming in. Finally, Moses had to speak to the people to tell them to stop giving, and Exodus 36:6 says, “…So the people were restrained from bringing…”How amazing is that? Instead of needing to be coerced into there being enough, there was such a surplus that the people had to be restrained from giving more!
Imagine if we gave like that? And not just financially—but what if we gave of our time, energy, and commitment to the work of the church now? What amazing things could be accomplished if we gave so lavishly that we had to be restrained from giving more?