The Good Hand of God

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah tell various stories of Judah’s return from Babylonian exile. The return home was exciting but also came with challenges. There was much that needed to be repaired and rebuilt, physically and spiritually. During this era, Ezra and Nehemiah were instrumental in the restoration process. 

Throughout their books, there is a beautiful sentiment expressed at various places. At least eight times, we read that the good hand of God was upon them. Ezra and Nehemiah were successful men, but they attributed their success to the goodness of God. It was God who protected them, provided for them, and made them succeed where it mattered most. 

How wonderful it is to know that our God wants to rest His good hand on us. He wants to bless, protect, and provide for us in the most important ways. But also, always remember that goodness comes from God. Take time to thank the Lord for His good and generous care. 

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