During Jesus’ trial, the High Priest questioned Him about His disciples and His teaching. Jesus answered with the truth—He had spoken openly in the synagogues and in the Temple. His ministry hadn’t been secretive. They knew exactly what He had done and taught. When Jesus answered this way, one of the officers hit Jesus. To this violent outburst, Jesus responded, “If what I said is wrong, bear witness about the wrong; but if what I said is right, why do you strike me?”[1]
People often resort to attacks instead of honest deliberation when there is a disagreement. Maybe it’s not physical attacks like the officer who struck Jesus, but people often lash out with verbal or emotional attacks. If someone behaves or speaks incorrectly, do as Jesus said—bear witness to the wrong. But if there is no wrong to be corrected, don’t resort to personal attacks because of arrogance and a desire to defeat another who doesn’t even need to be your opponent.
[1] Cf. John 18:19-23