Why Does He Speak Like That?

A paralyzed man’s friends once brought him to Jesus, and when they couldn’t reach the Lord because of the crowd, they went to the house’s roof, opened a hole, and lowered their friend to Jesus. When the Lord saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Some people nearby heard this, and Mark says they asked, “Why does this man speak like that?”[1] They thought Jesus blasphemed because only God can forgive sins. And they would have been right if Jesus was just a man. But Jesus is not just a man—He is the Son of God, the eternal Word incarnate. Thus, He does have power to forgive sins. 

But the question is a good one: “why does Jesus speak the way he does?” Because He is the Lord. His words are not just healing—they are also authoritative. And because He is the Lord, we must listen to and obey His words.

[1] Cf. Mark 2:1-12

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