As Was His Custom

What are your customary habits? All of us develop actions we just naturally do. Behaviors that become ingrained within us and that tend to define us. So, what types of things define you? 

In Mark 10:1, we read, “And [Jesus] left there and went to the region of Judea and beyond the Jordan, and crowds gathered to him again. And again, as was his custom, he taught them.” 

When we think about the characteristics that define who Jesus was, many people would immediately think of love. And rightfully so! Jesus is the greatest example of love. Perhaps there are other elements of Jesus’ life that you think of. But we must remember the picture painted by the gospels—Jesus was a teacher. Jesus’ love didn’t keep Him silent but prompted Him to teach the truth. Wherever Jesus went, it was His custom—His natural inclination, you might say—to impart truth and teach others. Is it our custom to listen to His teachings and obey them?