Humble Tasks

Romans 12 is filled with practical admonitions that can help guide our daily Christian walk. In verse 16 of that chapter, Paul writes, “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.” This verse emphasizes our attitudes and relationships, especially regarding humility or pride. God demands harmony amongst his people, and for there to be harmony, there must be humility. Humility strengthens our relationships and our love. It guides how we treat others. None should be considered beneath us. 

In the ESV, an interesting footnote suggests that the phrase “associate with the lowly” could be rendered as “give yourselves to humble tasks.” Humility impacts our relationships and actions. Don’t treat any task or service as too small or insignificant when working for the Lord. Always be willing to love others and stoop to whatever work needs to be done for the body of Christ.