Where Are You?

When Adam and Eve first ate the forbidden fruit, their eyes were opened, and they realized their nakedness. In shame and fear, they tried to cover themselves and then tried to hide from God. As God walked in the garden, He called out to Adam, “Where are you?” Such a simple question, yet one pregnant with meaning. 

God, of course, knew where Adam and Eve were. And God knew what they had done. But His question forced Adam and Eve to consider their condition. Where were they? They were in a place of fear and shame. They were in rebellion and sin. They weren’t just hiding—they were lost, and only God could save them.

Where are you today? Are you faithfully striving to obey the Lord and thus safe within His grasp? Or are you lost—mired in the shame and fear of sin? As long ago, the Lord seeks you, and He alone can save you.