The Good News of Peace

Human history has been filled with war. Sadly, many conflicts have raged for years and claimed numerous lives. Sometimes, when nations realize they are heading towards war, there is excitement. However, as the conflict wears on and the true nature of war is seen, everyone longs for peace. Thus, when the war finally concludes, people are thrilled to read the papers or watch the announcement of peace on the news. That’s because peace is goodnews. That’s true in global politics—it’s even more true in the spiritual realm. 

In his well-known list of Christian armor, Paul says, “As shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” Gospel simply means “good news.”[1]Whatever is happening in the world around us, we can always rejoice in the good news that Jesus has made a way for us to have peace with God.

[1] Ephesians 6:15