Lift Up Your Eyes

Are you looking for another resolution or two? Let me suggest one: “Lift up your eyes.” To explain that a little, let’s turn to John 4. 

After Jesus spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well, she went into town and began telling anyone who would listen about Jesus. While she was away, Jesus’ disciples met up with Him. They were surprised that He had been talking with a Samaritan woman and worried the Lord needed food and water. But Jesus told them, “Lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” A great opportunity to help, bless, and preach the good news was developing, but the disciples weren’t looking for such an opportunity. How often do we miss chances to do good, serve, or share the gospel because we just aren’t paying attention? Perhaps this year, we can all plan to “lift up our eyes” and look for opportunities to bless others and share the gospel of Jesus.