Do You Do Well?

In Jonah 4, the prophet was angry that God had shown mercy to the Ninevites. While he was sulking outside the city, God asked Jonah twice, “Do you do well to be angry?” Sadly, Jonah thought his anger was justified. 

If asked if we are “good people” or “doing well,” most of us would answer in the affirmative. But would we be correct? It’s easy to justify our behavior, excuse our faults, and overlook our problems. When we are the judge, we tend to think we are doing quite well. This is why God’s Word is so important. We can honestly answer whether we are doing well only when we compare our lives to Scripture. Are we trusting in the Lord? Are we obeying His commands? Does God’s Word rebuke our life? Don’t answer the question “Do you do well?” for yourself. Let God’s Word answer that question. And if it isn’t a good answer, let God’s Word guide you in the corrections that must be made.