Soul Possession

Did you know that your soul is possessed? It is! The question is, by whom?

When we hear about soul possession, we likely think of demonic possession as depicted by Hollywood. But a demon doesn’t have to take over our mind and body for our soul to be endangered. When we follow the way of sin and evil, then our souls belong to destruction. On the other hand, when we believe in and obey the Lord, our souls belong to God and salvation. And the choice is ours!

In Luke 21, Jesus warned His disciples about hardships they would face. But He promised that if they endured, they would be saved. In verse 19, Jesus says, “By your patience possess your souls.”[1] See, our souls aren’t something that can be taken away from us by the enemy. Our souls are our possession, but who will we give our soul to? Will we endure and serve the Lord, or will we yield to the way of sin and Satan?

[1] NKJV