Cut to the Heart

Isn’t it amazing how differently people can respond to the same thing? One person will love a movie that another person hates. The same painting may cause some people to be amazed while others mock the item. Well, the same is true of the gospel.

In Acts 2, the Apostle Peter preached a gospel sermon, and towards his conclusion, he rebuked his audience for their rejection of Jesus. Verse 37 says the people were “cut to the heart” and asked Peter what they could do. They were convicted by the gospel and wanted salvation.

In Acts 8, Stephen preached a gospel sermon and rebuked the crowd’s stubborn rebellion. The Bible says this crowd was also “cut to the heart.” They were convicted, but instead of repenting, they got angry—so angry that they murdered Stephen.

How have you responded to the Gospel? Have you let it convict and change you, or do you persist in stubborn rebellion? How has the Gospel cut you to the heart?