One Step Closer

Today, we are one step closer. One step closer to what? A pay-raise? A promotion? Something else? Perhaps. Or perhaps not. But there is one thing we are certainly one step closer to—death. That may not be a pleasant thought, but it’s true. However much time we have left on this earth, be it days or decades, we are one day closer to dying than we were yesterday. That’s really what every day is—another step toward the grave. And there’s nothing you or I can do about it. But there is something we can do about what that means. 

See, as we approach death, we approach eternity. And there is something we can do about that. We can believe in and obey Jesus and be granted eternal life. Or we can rebel against God and suffer eternal condemnation. So, what step will you take today? A step closer to everlasting punishment or a step closer to eternal life?