Grief and Anger

Grief and Anger

Many, many people struggle with grief or anger. Sometimes we think it would be best to avoid grief and anger altogether. But there are times for both emotions. 

In the opening verses of Mark three, we read that Jesus entered a synagogue where there was a man with a withered hand. Some people watched Jesus because they wanted to see if He would heal the man so that they could accuse him of wrongdoing since it was a Sabbath. We’re told that Jesus looked at them “With anger, grieved at their hardness of heart…”[1] Jesus was angry at them but also sad for them. When others persist in rebellion against God and oppress others, it should anger us. But it should also sadden us. But we must act appropriately. In Jesus’ anger and grief, he healed the man and rebuked the people’s error. He did not act violently or hatefully. His sadness and anger were handled righteously. How will we handle such emotions?

[1] Mark 3:5