When They Saw Wonderful Things

When you see something beautiful, wonderful, or marvelous, how do you respond? Perhaps you respond with awe. Or maybe thankfulness. Or possibly praise. What about anger? If that reaction sounds strange, listen to Matthew 21:14-15: “And the blind and the lame came to [Jesus] in the temple, and he healed them. But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying out in the temple, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!’ they were indignant…”

Can you imagine watching Jesus do wonderful things, like healing people and being mad? Or seeing Jesus praised and being indignant? And yet, that’s how some responded. Surely we don’t do that, do we? When we hear the Word of God, do we joyfully accept it or get angry? Do we love the Lord’s church or despise it? Do we respond to the wonderful things of God and His Word with joyful obedience or with indignation disguised in self-righteousness?

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