We’re in a Bad Neighborhood

You’ve likely heard that real estate is about location, location, location. But a location’s value can change. A secluded plot becomes a busy subdivision. A new area becomes outdated. And, over time, some good neighborhoods become bad neighborhoods. In housing terms, we may be able to work to try and get into a better situation. But I have some unfortunate news—we all live in a bad neighborhood.

You see, we live in a fallen world. Everyone of us is surrounded by sinners. And we can’t pack up, sell, and move. So what can we do? We can love our neighbors. We can shine the light of Christ. We can realize that we, too, are sinners and thus lovingly extend grace to others as we have received grace. We’re all in the same fallen neighborhood. So what will we do to share the light of Christ and make the neighborhood a better place?

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