Himself, His Household, and the Assembly

Leviticus 16 describes the detailed activities of the Day of Atonement. In verse 17, the Bible says this about Aaron’s activity that day: “No one may be in the tent of meeting from the time he enters to make atonement in the Holy Place until he comes out and has made atonement for himself and for his house and for all the assembly of Israel.”

We are not Levitical priests, but consider the work Aaron did. First, he made atonement for himself. Then, for his family. Then, for the nation. Today, our first job is to ensure we are faithfully serving the Lord. But we shouldn’t be content just to take care of our own soul. We should seek to help others serve the Lord. The best place to start is with our family. From there, we can also seek to help friends, and we can help encourage and build up the church.

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