Whoever Isolates Himself

Sometimes, it’s nice to have a little time to ourselves. Especially if we have a job that puts us around other people, we may need time now and then to retreat and enjoy some quiet and contemplative solitude. Solitude, however, is something we should seek wisely and purposefully. See, it is possible to seek solitude for the wrong reasons.

Proverbs 18:1 says, “Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment.” Sometimes, we need a respite. Sometimes, we might be more introverted than extroverted and thus enjoy solitude. But it is also possible that we desire isolation out of selfishness. Perhaps we don’t want to be accountable; maybe we won’t work to get along with others, or we might not love others as we should. But God created us to live in community—to help and encourage one another. When we neglect community and instead pursue isolation, we may be walking a dangerous path.

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